Acupuncture Pen Massage Therapy Tool
Acupuncture pen, basically, is the integration of electric current in a small amount with the ancient Chinese medicinal technique of acupuncture. Typically, needles are used in this method, but we now have the Acupuncture Pen Massage Therapy Tool which is easier to use.
How Does It Work?
Think of it as a tracking device of meridian energy points. The pen is adjustable to your preferred intensity to lock it on an area to help you manage chronic pain. This pen has a feature that emits sound once an acupoint has been detected. The ballpoint pen is used to apply pressure onto the points to help relieve pain. While it cannot get into the nerves as actual needles do, it warms up and activates the points. It promotes blood circulation by removing stasis and regularizes secretions. This type of treatment helps fibromyalgia and arthritis and other forms of bodily pain that make life difficult. The ball head does not hurt as much, but it does help release enough pressure to stimulate the nerves.
Reminders While Using The Electroacupuncture Pen
1) Please do not use simultaneously with electronic equipment and artificial organs like heart and lung, or else risk a breakdown or short circuitry.2) Women who are pregnant, with an acute menstrual cycle, abnormal pressure of the blood, heart disease and fever should not be using this pen.3) It should be kept away from children and from individuals who have no knowledge of its use.4) Those with cancer and with other forms of extreme diseases should not be using this pen.5) The electroacupuncture pen is not entirely meant to replace professional treatment but more on to supplement the treatment itself. If you feel that it gives you a significant deal amount of comfort, continue with its use unless there is a risk of a health hazard according to a health professional.
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